Practitioner training Course in Biodiagnostics EAV, Homotoxicology.

Practitioner training Course in Biodiagnostics EAV, Homotoxicology.

Bio Electric Functions Diagnostics (sometimes called BFD or Biodiagnostics) is a system of scanning the body through classical and Voll acupuncture points. This allows the practitioner to identify which organs or systems of the body are dysfunctioning due to an infection, inflammation or loss of energy.

An EAV (or Vega) machine is used for this purpose. It is a useful tool to use alongside knowledge of homotoxicology, homoeopathy or nutrition.


In place of this course in 2025 Rosemary will be offering the same information through a series of tutorials, covering the use of the EAV machine to test points on the hands and feet related to the meridians and organs.

Dates for Part 1:
4th April
30th May
13th June

Total cost: £525
Venue: Isbourne Centre, 2 Wolseley Terrace, Cheltenham GL50 1TH

Dates for Part 2:
Dates for part 2 to be confirmed later this year.